It screams “FREE” so why should anyone pay you good money for your product, work or services? FREE ATTRACTS CHEAP.
How to Get Started with Your Personal Brand
“A brand is the way a product, company, or individual is perceived by those who experience it. Much more than just a name or a logo, a brand is the recognizable feeling these assets evoke.”- Brian Lischer We all know what a brand is and if you didn’t, I believe the definition given by Brian Lischer is…
I Forged My Own Path: 3 Steps to Help You Forge Your Own
The world is changing and in many ways that is a good thing. The typical road to getting a quality education is not the same anymore, it has become more decentralized, more accessible and certainly more affordable. There are exceptions to the rule of cause, like if you want to become a doctor you will…
How to get started with anything: Bare Necessities of Mother Nature’s Recipes (Part 2)
So, as I was saying, life has no formula. and I do not care what anyone says about this, but it’s very true. We’ve had countless philosophers and other smart and spiritual people throughout earths history and even they were on a journey. I think that is why we are naturally built for eternity,…
How to get started with anything: Bare Necessities of Mother Nature’s Recipes
One of my favorite quotes from I can’t remember who goes a little something like; “opportunity meets preparation”. Oh, my bad, it was Seneca. That statement cannot be more true. I feel like many of us are waiting for things to happen. You know, that dream job, the dream girl, the realized goals, that perfect…
Welcome to Filos•of•Me| The Blog
Welcome to Filos•of•Me, a contemplative blog covering topics on digital media, entrepreneurship and lifestyle.